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For now there are two modes of gameplay


7 shapes for each player

Hexagonal table of 51 places


Each player plays only one shape at a time

The player with the black shapes starts first

Shapes have defined starting positions


Rhombus cannot attack the other Rhombus

Only the Rhombus can surpass the other shapes

The shapes TRIANGLE, SQUARE, HEXAGON, RHOMBUS move and attack at the same time in their attack positions

Successful attack removes the opponent's shape permanently.

The shape of the CIRCLE moves or attacks the perimeter of the table, vertically and diagonally and has specific entrances and exits on both perimeters inside the table, but it cannot move in the three central blocks of the table, the so-called dead zone


The rotating shapes are the TRIANGLE and the HEXAGON

Rotating shapes move and rotate in one motion

The shapes that are rotated can, at the player's choice, not be rotated


If the player's Rhombus reaches the starting position of the opponent's Rhombus, the player wins the game.

If any of the player's shapes attack the Rhombus and it cannot move to a free position, the player wins the game.

If the opponent makes more than 2 repeated moves the player wins the game.

The move or attack allows 2 rotating positions

From position 1 to the next movement is only allowed

to move/attack and rotate to positions 2,6

From position 2 to the next movement is only allowed

to move/attack and rotate to positions 1,3

From position 3 to the next movement is only allowed

to move/attack and rotate to positions 2,4

From position 4 to the next movement is only allowed

to move/attack and rotate to positions 3.5

From position 5 to the next movement is only allowed

to move/attack and rotate to positions 4,6

From position 6 to the next movement is only allowed

to move/attack and rotate to positions 1.5

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